On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Hi John! I got it from www.real.com/products/player/linux.html  and be sure
> to follow the directions on the page. My posting seems to be at least
> partially in error. It seems some links I click on (using Netscape 4.61) I
> get the audio message I posted. On others, it simply says contacting... and
> nothing happens. On others still, I get a save as dialog. And some others,
> it actually opens and works! But I guess that's what beta means eh! Else
> I've not configured something properly? Anyway, Good Luck!
Thanks....it looks like it's not going to work for me until
I can convince my boss to remove the block from our
firewall. :-(
Oh, well... at least it installs cleanly. :-) Thanks...

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