uninstall what you have and go to the website listed below to get what
you want.  dont go to any other page! then follow the setup directions
given below and it should work right.  you dont currently have the same
version everyone else is talking about.


Murray Strome wrote:
> I originally installed RealPlayer 5 using rpm -i <package> nothing
> seemed to happen
> I tried again to install it using rpm -Uvh
> It said that "rvplayer 5.03  is already installed"
> (rvplayer is in /usr/bin and is executable).   I set up the preferences
> as you suggested.
> In Netscape, I get an error box:
> Netscape: subprocess diagnostics (stdout/stderr)
> sh: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching '"
> sh: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
>                      OK
> I had earlier tried to set the application to /usr/bin/rvplayer
> I did not get any error message or anything, but nothing happened (at
> least no sound and no RealPlayer console like you get in Windows).
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Rick Murphy wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Steve Philp wrote:
> > > JK wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > WHERE did you get G2 for Linux? The only thing I could find
> > > > > from Real.com was RealPlayer 5. :-(
> > > > >         John
> > > >
> > > > Thats the web page you should go for the linux version of G2
> > > > http://www.real.com/products/player/linux.html
> > >
> > > I can confirm that the package works well.
> > >
> > > 1) Download the package.
> > > 2) 'su' to root
> > > 3) rpm -Uvh <package>
> > > 4) Exit from root
> > > 5) Open Netscape
> > > 6) Click Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Applications
> > > 7) Find RealAudio and highlight it, click Edit
> > > 8) In the suffixes box, make sure it reads 'ra,ram,rm'
> > > 9) Click the Application radio button and enter 'realplay %s'
> > > 10) Click OK to close the window
> > > 11) Click OK to close the Preferences window
> > > 12) Close Netscape
> > > 13) Reopen Netscape
> > >
> > > Waa laa!  RealPlayer baby!
> > \
> >
> > Was indeed,  real audio is one of my favorite programs.
> >
> > Rick
> >
> > "I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB
> --
> ------------------------
> Murray and Diane Strome
> 1275 Burnside Road West
> Canada
> Phone: (250) 479-6448
> Fax:   (250) 727-3427

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