On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Steve Philp wrote:
> JK wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > WHERE did you get G2 for Linux? The only thing I could find
> > > from Real.com was RealPlayer 5. :-(
> > >         John
> > 
> > Thats the web page you should go for the linux version of G2
> > http://www.real.com/products/player/linux.html
> I can confirm that the package works well.
> 1) Download the package.
> 2) 'su' to root
> 3) rpm -Uvh <package>
> 4) Exit from root
> 5) Open Netscape
> 6) Click Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Applications
> 7) Find RealAudio and highlight it, click Edit
> 8) In the suffixes box, make sure it reads 'ra,ram,rm'
> 9) Click the Application radio button and enter 'realplay %s'
> 10) Click OK to close the window
> 11) Click OK to close the Preferences window
> 12) Close Netscape
> 13) Reopen Netscape
> Waa laa!  RealPlayer baby!

Was indeed,  real audio is one of my favorite programs.


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

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