"Richards, Donald D." wrote:
> To those that offered suggestions, many thanks.  I followed all of them, and
> a bunch that I got from the web, to no avail.  Probably what I did was
> follow so many that I combined things that wouldn't work together.  What
> solved the problem, sort of, is that I ran into the problem of the file
> systems that wouldn't unmount at shutdown and ended up having to re-install
> Linux.  On a hunch (yes, newbies get them sometimes) I opted not to
> configure the local network, then I followed the instructions provided by my
> ISP for the umpteenth time, and this time it worked!  So, the problem must
> lie in some unresolved conflict between the local network and the setups for
> connecting to the ISP.  Even though I did put the correct info the
> resolv.conf file, perhaps there's something else that's needed?
> Suggestions?
> Oh, by the way... to the "gentleman" that wondered what would possess me to
> post such a question to this list:
> Actually, I made the mistake of not specifying that I was using the Mandrake
> version of RH6.  So sorry.  Even so, what would possess me is that,
> obviously, there are more than a few folks on the list who are more
> interested in helping people than in making useless comments like yours, as
> evidenced by the number of helpful (including yours), if not successful,
> responses

That "gentleman" was me.  In your original message, you had written that
you were trying to get a 6.0 SPARC system up and running.  Does Mandrake
ship a SPARC version now?

As for my "useless comments", I'm pretty sure you just ended up on the
bad side of the average.  I'm generally helpful when people post
questions that actually apply to the list at hand.

Congratulations on getting your system up and running.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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