(1) I actually got the Internet to work in Linux!  Yay!  I tried IRC
    chat a little bit, but no one cool was on...  and no, I was not
    logged in as root at the time.

(2) To fix a poor partition structure (/boot, [swap], and one huge /)
    and a few other things (odd... shutting down sendmail fails every
    time), I decided to do a reinstallation.  Plus that would give me
    the chance to trim out some fat (such as KDE which I don't use
    now that I found WindowMaker--beautiful...).  Well, I'm ditching
    this nice-and-neat numbered list block style!

Ahh, that's better...

So I give it a partition structure:

/mnt/c  FAT32  1551
/boot   ext2     16
/usr    ext2    771
/root   ext2     35
[swap]  swap     66
/home   ext2    322
/       ext2    330

(disk size: 3102 MB)

(Any suggestions for improvement?  I have Partition Magic and can
move/shrink /mnt/c...)

Then I pick out the packages I want (take a long time since I pick out
each individually) and have it format the partitions.  After all the
partition formatting is done, it fails.

A dialog box pops up with the message "mount fialed: Invalid argument"
and I am stopped.  I switched over to the other virtual consoles to see
what was the matter.

Console 3:

running mke2fs /tmp/hda7 -c
mounting hda11 on /mnt/ as type ext2
calling mount(/tmp/hda11, /mnt/, ext2, -1058209792, (nil))

(I guess that last line was what failed)

Console 4:

<4> EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock

And also something about attempting to access byeond end of device...

So, guys, what's up?  I want my Mandrake back!

p.s. I'll be getting a nice 4-CD Red Hat 6 set tomorrow (or soon). 
Cheap*Bytes had a great deal on it!  It was, uhm, $7 US.

Andy Goth     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     zap.to/andygoth/     ICQ: 35256413

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