Hi Bluebottle

Well shame on me - this is my "nice try" box and at the moment I am busy
sorting out all the bits for my next PC ... something that I always wanted was
no chipzilla and no ms and the alternatives PC, so it looks like it will be
athlon, with the os sorted out and standing on the desk beside me in the shape
of mandrake powerpack

Speeds have been okay here ever since I signed up, in fact my previous ISP,
Pipex Dial, was far far slower under any os (9x (yuck) nice try (not much
better) SuSE (now thats more like it : )

If I get time then I may just throw a spare hardisk into this box and install
mandrake just to see whether there is any difference - doubt it though.


Bluebottle wrote:

> Thanks for comments Nigel. I signed up when they first announced the 0800
> number - about 3 months ago. First quarters bill was down even allowing for
> charges. No so happy with the service the last couple of weeks.
> How are you finding connection using Linux? At present I'm finding it
> erratic.
> John the Nadger
> www.goon.freeuk.com

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