If I remember right to get Star Office to work for multiusers when you
install it use the Network install choice.  Then I think each user has to
register it. (Not sure about the last part, haven't tried it myself.  I was
just using it as root when I wanted to use it) This is what read.

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Lim Shek Sia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Star Office

> If I remember correctly,  you need to go through some configuration
> process for each unprivilaged user after the root installation.
> However, I have a more or less similar problem. After installation,
> staroffice has done something to my system and render it completely
> useless, (I can not run X anymore and sometimes it hangs at the boot
> stage).
> I have mailed this message out yesterday and did not seem to have
> attrached any attention.  I would appreciate if help is available.
> michael lim
> "H.G.Hettinger" wrote:
> > I recently installed Star Office but couldn't get it to work for me
> > unless I was in root.  So I decided to deinstall it and reinstall it in
> > the /usr directory instead of the root directory.  After deinstallation,
> > kde locked up so I did a ctrl-alt-backspace and went into the login
> > screen.  When I logged back in as user, all my settings were gone.  I
> > couldn't dial up and etc.  So I logged in as my wife to send this and
> > short of doing a complete reinstall of Mandrake 6.0 I thought I would as
> > you guys.  By the way, Star Office still works in root, so evidently I
> > didn't un-install it after all?  Thanks in advance for any help.
> >
> > Lawrence Hettinger

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