Hi All,

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPI YAHOOO.com

I managed to setup the dual boot Win98\Linux without destroying the
DOS partition. Thanks to all the little tidbits you all have given me.
It did not go like clockwork but I did manage it. I used Expert mode
to install Linux and it asked me a few more questions than I got
before. Thanks to all your help I kinda knew what I should choose.
When I booted up again, System commander (I paid cash for that thing
and I'm determined to use it :-) didn't see the Linux boot but Windows
98 still worked (plus one). I did however make a boot disk for Linux
(RedHat 6) so I popped that in and rebooted. Linux came up (plus two),
so I rebooted and went back to System Commander and told it to look at
the Linux partition and make it bootable. It then showed a listing for
Linux in the boot menu (plus three). I crossed my fingers, selected
Linux and it loaded.......coooooooool.

Now I have some new questions:

Question #1
I chose Gnome instead of KDE (I'm sorry but I really like the looks of
Gnome). When I played with Linux before I was using KDE and was able
to set up the dialer and mail program and log onto the net. I can't
even find the dialer in Gnome. Anyone out there care to "Enlighten"

Question #2
During my last install (before this one), I played with Gnome a little
and I stumbled on something that changed the desktop to some other
Window managers (then I couldn't figure out how to change it back to
Gnome, but that's another story). I don't see them this time. I think
AfterStep was one choice but I'm not real sure since I am still a
little foggy on how some of this stuff works. If anyone out there
remotely undertands what I am trying to say, could you tell me where I
can find this list again? I think it was in the file menu "Another
Level" or something like that.

Thanks Again

Having Fun In Oregon :-)

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