On Wed, 08 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Dan Brown wrote:
> > Again, it's not "/sbin/lilo", it's "/mnt/sbin/lilo".  Your /sbin
> > directory contains only what's on the rescue disk, which (as you know)
> > doesn't include lilo.  /mnt/sbin is the /sbin directory on your normal
> > system, and that's where you'd need to run lilo from.  You don't have your
> > normal path statement, so you shouldn't expect that any commands will work
> > without you explicitly specifying a path to them.
> Yes, but I tried to run it as /mnt/sbin/lilo. In fact, I went to the
> /mnt/sbin/ directory and found the lilo executable there. But running it did
> nothing. This is weird.
> Richard Adams wrote:
> > > > at the prompt type 'mount root=/dev/hdaX ro'
> > >
> > Then it was the wrong type of boot disk.

In another reply you daid after i had placed the second disk i could
mount a directory, now i have mentioned i have no experiance with
Let me give you an example of what happens with slackare,
Any boot disk image can be used, ithere are quite a few
different ones for support of different hardware, now they are lilo
boot disks, thay sak if you wan to enter any 'boot paramaters' ie
mount root=/dev/hdax ro' like i said, then the disk will not boot
using the image from th hardisk but from the floppy and use the given
mount point as the root filesystem. From there oe can do just about
antthig one needs or wants.

I am quite sure there is a readme file on the cdrom whivh will
explane howto do what others and i are trying to tell you.

   > OK, there are only three image files in the images
directory on the mandrake > CD: boot.img, rescue.img, and supp.img.
Using rawrite I made disks from > boot.img and rescue.img. These are
the two disks I have been using. > 
> I wonder if something else is going on because, when i tried to reinstall lilo
> using the upgrade mode of installation from the CD, the installer said
> something to the effect that an error was encountered. Could this be related
> to the fact that my system does not appear to recognize the /mnt/sbin/lilo
> command?
> Thanks again
> Idris
Regards Richard

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