On Friday 12 July 2002 12:52 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:

> Doubtless this will provoke some discussion!
> http://people.trustcommerce.com/~adam/top10/wrong.html
> Unfortunately, there are several things wrong with the article:

    The article takes most things from a 'the situation is an OS 
fault, then hardware, then user' approach. Unfortunately most users 
(any OS) do also.

   I've found when situations are approached just the opposite as most 
likely a user, then maybe hardware, and lastly OS deficiency, I tend 
to have better experiences.

   I don't believe Adam feels any differently. I got the distinct 
impression he's just playin the usual journalistic card and 
pretending to be the Devil's advocate.  So.....

  1)  is a user problem .... too many IE users :o, non standard html, 
and of course,  M$ 
  2)  user problem.  Choosing ext2 in this day and age is.  Not havin 
an UPS (any OS) comes in second.
  3)  user problem.  Old computers printed everything. Save trees, get 
rid of your printer (I don't have one). ... and quit buyin books too.
Better to burn everything from coal to uranium to communicate.
  4)  user problem (any OS). The real problem is when you have a 
problem, you don't know what to ask, or have enough understanding to 
realize when you find the answer. (I fall too often into this group.)
  5)  user problem.  Buy a better cpu/cache/ram, video card, monitor.
The ones you believed the advertising/win-reviews about sort'a suck, 
but you're the one that bought into it. Using only incandescent or 
candle light in the vicinity of your computer screen might help.
  6)  Extreme user problem, obviously he's advocating killing children 
and/or their activities here  ;(
  7}  user problem again, 'cept this time it's me. I haven't a clue as 
to what he's complain'g about.
  8)  OK, we finally got a problem that's not all user. This one is 
win-hardware and OS.  Sound in Linux sort'a kind'a sux, even more 
than the user errors mentioned in #5
  9)  user error, 'cept' not me, I believe he's the one without a 
 10)  user error, hasn't he heard of Crl+Alt+/- (also see #5)

   So, according to his top 10, it works out to roughly 90% user is 
the problem.  'Course if you ask most sysadmins, or support personel, 
they'd probly just say "user - user - user" (IOW's 100%).  I'll stick 
with user - hardware - OS (any OS)) in that order.  I suppose next 
week he'll publish a "10000 Things Wrong with Windows" article ??
    Tom Brinkman                      Corpus Christi, Texas

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