==============This is NOT a BabelFish translation=================
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----- Original Message -----
From: Joao C Agostini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Linux-Mandrake Newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 1999 12:05 AM
Subject: [newbie] Brazilian keybord and Quake 1

> Hello all

- Olá

> I want to clear two subjects on keyboard:
> a) I am Brazilian and I use a standard keyboard for my language called
> ABNT2, somebody of Mandrake could tell me how I do to use this keyboard
> in Venus, mainly in the prompt...

As root, you can use "kbdconfig" and choose "br-abnt2" or something like
- Como usuário root, vc pode usar "kbdconfig" e escolher "br-abnt2" ou algo
assim, deve funcionar.

> b) the version 6.1 has support, from the installation, to the keyboard
> ABNT2?

6.1?  Is it out yet?
- 6.1? Já saiu?

> In Brazil a magazine (PCMaster) of this month it threw Mandrake 6 and a

So you bought it too. :-)  I went to their web site to gripe about _my_
keyboard and it is still under construction! Bastards.

- A-rá!  Vc comprou também... :-)  Fui para o site deles reclamar sobre o
_meu_ teclado e o site ainda está em construção! Malditos.

> lot of people bought and  liked, but she has been having problems with
> the keyboard that I have and with the accents, that are many in my
> language. I suggest you enter in contact with Conectiva (dealer
> Brazilian of RedHat) for us to use the correction that they use for the
> keyboard ABNT2.

I wanted to get the "US-Acentos" keyboard configuration from Conectiva,
since my keyboard is American-style but I still need the "dead keys".  Do
you know how I can get that?

- Pois é, eu queria ter a configuração US-Acentos da Conectiva, pois meu
teclado é americano mas eu ainda preciso dos acentos e cedilhas (vc viu que
os americanos chamam isso de "dead keys"?  Dead é a mãe deles!)... Como eu
posso pegar, vc sabe?

> Did I install Quake I in Mandrake but does he never work, always
> restraint when it carries the program (many other people that are using
> bought Mandrake of the mentioned magazine, are they having the same
> problem), some suggestion of the why?

Sorry, I have no idea what to do about that.
- Quanto a isso, não faço a menor, desculpas.

> Thank you.

You´re welcome.
- De nada.  Qualquer coisa é só perguntar, se eu puder ajudar...

> --
> João Carlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <Brasil - SP> ICQ - 33.965.439
> usuário Linux # 106644

/Gustavo Viola   ß^»
Unprecedented performance: Nothing ever ran this slow before.

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