Rodrigo F Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent a table of
keycodes, etc. Part of that message contained a sequence of accented
characters of the form:

compose '<accent>' '<alpabetic character>' to '<accented character>'
(See below for a partial list).  What I would like to know is "exactly
what is the sequence one types to get the accented character?  Is there
a key which behaves like "compose", and do you hit that key, followed by
the accent, then the letter?"

I would sometimes like to use accented characters, but don't want to
change my keyboard.


compose '`' 'A' to 'À'
compose '`' 'a' to 'à'
compose '\'' 'A' to 'Á'
compose '\'' 'a' to 'á'
compose '^' 'A' to 'Â'
compose '^' 'a' to 'â'
compose '~' 'A' to 'Ã'
compose '~' 'a' to 'ã'
compose '"' 'A' to 'Ä'
compose '"' 'a' to 'ä'
compose 'O' 'A' to 'Å'
compose 'o' 'a' to 'å'

Murray and Diane Strome
1275 Burnside Road West
Phone: (250) 479-6448
Fax:   (250) 727-3427

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