Maybe I wasn't clear the first time.  I am serving about 5 domains using
the virtual server capacity of Apache.  Rather than putting the sites in
the default location, I want them where I choose to put them
(/home/asm/html/site1, /home/asm/html/site2, /home/asm/html/site3, etc.)
and it is there that I don't seem to be getting the proper permissions set.
I've been through the permissions at each level many times.  Home is owned
by root, group root.  asm is owned by asm, group is apache, html and site
folders are the same.

>Actually, in LM 8.2 it's already there in /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttp.conf
>and it links to /home/*/public_html
>So make a folder in your home directory called "public_html", add an
>index.html file in to test with, and then log in like said below.
>What I would like to know is:
>I am using to add a DNS to my computer. Let's say it's called
>What I would like to do is add a directory somewhere, and have a link of
>let's say:
>Dyndns supports this, because I'm running a jabber server here, and jabber
>uses these locations to run it's different protocols (ICQ, MSN, AOL,
>Yahoo). Does anyone have any idea to maybe alias it or something, so when a
>user goes to he get's
>transferred not to the standard apache root, but another folder?
>On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, teddy wl wrote:
>> Hi...
>> How you configure the apache web server ( httpd.conf
>> ), I have some suggestion to you. you should re-setup
>> your apache configuration. you can setup there in the
>> line were tell you like
>> <Document /home/*/public/html.......>
>> ..
>> </Document>
>> you should put your web files in there and restart
>> your apache daemon. try access it from lynx or
>> konqueror like this :
>> http://your.hostname.domain/~user_name/
>> OK, i hope you understand my english, because i'm from
>> Indonesia, and still learn about english language..
>> Have fun :)
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