Actually, what he is wanting to do is have one directory per domain, not
alias each "site" directory off of a single domain.

In this case, he should have an entry such as:

################# IP-based Virtual Hosts 
#User jmdault
#Group jmdault
#DocumentRoot /home/jmdault/public_html
#Setenv VLOG /home/jmdault/logs
#ErrorLogs /home/jmdault/test2-error_log
#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteOptions inherit

or possibly:

################# Named VirtualHosts
#ServerName www.domain.tld
#ServerPath /domain
#DocumentRoot /web/domain

in /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/Vhosts.conf .


Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

At 10:09 PM 9/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>> Maybe I wasn't clear the first time.  I am serving about 5 domains using
>> the virtual server capacity of Apache.  Rather than putting the sites in
>> the default location, I want them where I choose to put them
>> (/home/asm/html/site1, /home/asm/html/site2, /home/asm/html/site3, etc.)
>> and it is there that I don't seem to be getting the proper permissions set.
>> I've been through the permissions at each level many times.  Home is owned
>> by root, group root.  asm is owned by asm, group is apache, html and site
>> folders are the same.
>in order to do what you're talking about you will have to make this 
>entry in your commonhttpd.conf file:
>       Alias /site1/ /home/asm/html/site1/
>so on so forth for all the virtuals you're setting up for. if you're 
>also wanting to enable CGI for these directories as well, you will need 
>an entry like this to follow:
>       ScriptAlias /site1/cgi-bin/ /home/asm/html/site1/cgi-bin/
>Make these additions to the commonhttpd.conf file and then restart your 
>web server. Also the dir's where the HTML file are stored for access 
>will have to be chod'd to 755 so they're;
>       rwxr-xr-x
>       rwx = user/owner
>       r-x = group
>       r-x = world
>It may also be helpful if the users owning these home dir's are members 
>of the group apache. This could help you avoid problems down the road.
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