
I managed to work around the mounting/read-write/permission problem, and you
may want to hear how I did.   But first, thanks to John Aldrich, Fred PLE, Dan
Brown and Ken Wilson, who helped me a lot, and to those who may have written
back but I haven't got the message yet, since the list server is so slow.

As root I changed my /etc/fstab as follows:

/dev/hdc1               /mnt/disk               vfat    
async,user,noauto,dev,exec,rw,nosuid   0 0

Then I went to KDE, dragged-and-dropped a device.kdelnk from templates to the
desktop, linked it to /dev/hdc1 and /mnt/disk and changed the permission
options so that anyone could use it (btw, there are two hdd icons in KDE, for
mounted and unmounted, so that may just be the only solution KDE designers
thought of).  Then I copied the device.kdelnk to the user's desktop.

I logged back in as user, started kde, mounted the hdd using the kdelnk icon (it
worked fine! previously all I got was this message: only root can mount). 
Copied a few files into it just to be sure, and it even worked under console
mode only.

It is not the best solution, since it does not mount automatically after boot,
plus I have to mount it thru KDE, but it worked anyway.


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