> Sure, run 32 bpp!  :)

The Chips & Technologies 65554 doesn't do 32bpp.

Since it's a laptop display panel, I'm limited to 800x600 as well. 
Plus, it dithers colors when they're almost black.  Thus if I have a
progression from white to black it's smooth until it gets dark.  Then
it's a sudden dropoff from dim gray to absolute black with a hint of

> You're right, it's a smart-ass answer, but I haven't figured out how
> to doNetscape+24bpp either.

It's nowhere near being fatal.  My dad didn't even notice!  He did
notice that surfing the net was faster in Linux than in Windows.

> I think Axalon mentioned that HE had problems with KDE+32bpp, so
> even that's not a real solution.

It worked in 16bpp.
Andy Goth     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     zap.to/andygoth/     UIN: 35256413

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