Hi all,
I have just realized Iv'e made a serious blunder.
Installed mdk9.0 on my schools web server last week (was running 8.2)
For some reason (stupidity?) I used the wizard to partition my drives.
I didn't even check the results, as I was in a hurry.
when installing some software thru ssh tonight, I discovered / was
100% full :((
Is there any way of resizing the partitions with out loosing data?
   below is what I have.

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1               241116    241111         0 100% /
/dev/sdb1              3589424     38160   3551264   2% /home
/dev/sdc1              8869388    286472   8582916   4% /mnt/windows
/dev/sdb5               489992      9358    455334   3% /tmp
/dev/sda6              2877840   1578468   1153184  58% /usr
/dev/sda7               577096    333068    214712  61% /var




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