On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 14:07, Miguel M wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> Im having trouble connecting to the Internet with
> Mandrake  9.0 via my cable modem. I have be going at
> this for like a week now. Reading away at HOWTOS at
> the Linux Documentation project site and what not.
> Just about everything I could get my eyes on. I have
> like tripled check my network configuration and all
> the right numbers are in the right place. I don't
> understand whats going on. The only thing I think that
> could be messing it up is that I don't understand what
> they mean by host name. Could that be the problem?
> Thanks for your time. Any reply would be greatly
> appreciated. Thanks
> BTW, Im using a ethernet port thats built into the
> motherboard, could that be a factor as well?
> =====
> -Miguel

Are you sure the drivers for the ethernet port on your motherboard are
being loaded and are working?

Thu Nov 14 08:45:00 EST 2002

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