OK, now that I have installed the i740 xserver and rerun xf86config, what
good is it?  My system is still loading the generic VGA dirver at 640x480.
I've managed to figure out how to comment out the annoying virtual desktop
settings in the config file, but I need to know how I can force the system
to load up the accellerated driver in something other than 640x480 screen
resolution and (hopefully) something a bit sharper looking than level 8
color depth.  I've tried the Control>Alt>+ and Control>Alt>- thing mentioned
in the xfree86 FAQ, and nothing happens.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Video Config in Linux *Help!*

>I use the one supplied on the Mandrake 6.0 Cd and it works fine.
>There is a readme file in the same directory that tells you exactly how to
>set this up, just make sure you use the instructions for redhat systems 5.0
>and above, not the 4.0 instructions.  Also note that the created XF86config
>file will placed under /etc/ not /etc/X11.
>Have Fun,

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