On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, you wrote:

> I have the same problem, everything was working fine until I upgraded to a
> new Epox m/b with a AMD K6-2 450 cpu. Those were the only changes I made
> and I get the same errors. Reinstalled RH 5.2 and it runs fine, I think
> the error is caused bu Xwindows.
> I'm so new at this I haven't even found a text editor that works in Linux
> under the command line.
> Any help will be appreciated, and experts please don't assume that the
> newbies know anything about Linux, please give a full step by step answer.
Try "joe" as your text editor. Uses the old "WordStar" commands. Or,
pico (the default "Pine" editor) or vi.
For example, joe would be "joe <filename>" and to quit w/o saving
it's CTRL+C.

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