On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Ok John, I finally figured out the "#" is the "REM" equivilant of DOS.  My
> problem is that when I went to do the  "mount -w -o remount /dev/hda1/"  I get
> a message that the /root wasn't mounted or "bad option" and the file is still a
> read only.  Now I am doing this on a 486/100 machine if that makes a
> difference.  Any suggestions on making the drive a R/W?
Hmm...you *are* aware that Mandrake is not set up to work
on a 486, aren't you?  Mandrake works on Pentium or better.
My *guess* is that  your system is missing some stuff in the
CPU that's included in the Pentium or better.

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