That's what I thought. Guess the images are buggy. So what's the
mechanism on this list to report bugs to get the images updated. 



Sean Pritchard wrote:
> I had the very same problem.  I dropped the FTP/HTTP attempts at
> installing,  I download the whole installation and tried a HD-install =
> NO GO >dumped that idea too, the Boot.img when after dd doesn't work.
> I got a CDr off a friend that worked.
> Regards,
> Sean
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: [newbie] 6.1 ftp isntall via pcmcia net card
> Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 19:34:29 -0400
> From: Chris Herrnberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: linux newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Greetings:
> Has anyone experienced a problem installing 6.1 with bootnet.img and
> pcmcia.img. Here is my problem, (exclusive to 6.1 mandrake not previous
> versions)
> Second stage install fails. Changing consuls and following the sequence
> of events as they unfold indicates that the card manager fails. Error
> displayed on consul one is that file system has cannot be written to
> disc.,
> consul 2:
> writing network info to /tmp/ifcfg -eth0
> state save to /tmp
> [cardmgr]       :executing: '/.serial check ttys1'
>                 :+cat: not found
>                 :+fuser: not found
>                 further probes as errors
>                 :cant open ./network.opts
> exiting card manager
> back on console one error is described as:
> error: cannot create /modules/modules.cgz read only file system.
> As stated this only happens in 6.1 not 6.0 mandrake, or SuSE, and
> Caldera. Not checked redhat 6.0 yet?
> Comments? TIA
> Chris Herrnberger

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