Greetings all

Over the last couple of days I have been reading plenty of HOW-TO's, and a
few mini-HOWTO's on networking with Linux.  In fact I've encountered more
weird acronyms and strange buxx words in the last 2 days than in the rest of
my life put together.  However I am learning a bucketload and realising that
there is A LOT of good docs in the how-to's! 

Don't think is going to stop me from posting lots of trivial and basic
questions though!  

At the moment I am considering logistical problems - hardware setups and the
like (messing up software is free - messing up hardware costs $$$).

Here is one of the many plans I am considering (Plan A)

I currently have a box with a 1gig hda with Windows and a 6.4gig hdb with

I am thinking of ripping out the 1 gig drive and putting into a 486
(actually an AMD-133 in a 486 board).  I would like to split this drive
giving about 600meg to Windows, and the rest to Linux.  The 6.4 will stay
with its current machine and become the server.

In Linux mode I want to use this machine basically to learn about Unix/Linux
networking (NFS, telnet, remote X-terminals) etc.
In Windows mode I want to learn about Samba, and use Windows when I have to.

I was thinking of connecting the two machines using 10Mbit cards and a hub
(a third machine will be added later if these two work out okay).

Here is the logistical concern I need answered.  Both the gf and I do
occasionally have to bring work home.  Normally this is in the form of MS
Word documents, sometimes 40 pages or more.  Now I know there are MS Word
filters on some Linux wordprocessors however when you are dealing with very
long documents, that include charts etc, small discrepencies when
importing/exporting the file leads to some serious headaches.  I will need
to continue to have MS Office 97 (sorry).  If I go ahead and do something
that makes it impossible to run Office the gf WILL HAVE MY BOLLOCKS.  She
will live if it runs slowly - she will kill me if it doesn't run at all.

Here is the question then (finally) 600meg is not going to hold Win95 plus
Office.  So I want to install Office onto a network drive on the Linux
server.  Will a 10Mbit network be quick enough for the Windows machine to
run Office from the networked drive?  

Yes I know Office is slow anyway, even slower on a 486, but will a 10Mbit
allow Office to actually work?

Thanking you in advance


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