On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > Here is the logistical concern I need answered.  Both the gf and I do
> > occasionally have to bring work home.  Normally this is in the form of MS
> > Word documents, sometimes 40 pages or more.  Now I know there are MS Word
> > filters on some Linux wordprocessors however when you are dealing with very
> > long documents, that include charts etc, small discrepencies when
> > importing/exporting the file leads to some serious headaches.  I will need
> > to continue to have MS Office 97 (sorry).  If I go ahead and do something
> > that makes it impossible to run Office the gf WILL HAVE MY BOLLOCKS.  She
> > will live if it runs slowly - she will kill me if it doesn't run at all.
> >
> Try StarOffice first. Trust me on this... my boss
> downloaded some MS DOC files off the 'Net and opened 'em in
> Star Office just fine! At least give it a shot. :-)
StarOffice will crunch most of Office 97 Documents. I say 99% of them, but
I do have problems with occational documents that it displays and prints
improperly and sometimes those will lead to problems. My advice: Try
StarOFfice if not then try WOrdPerfect 8.0 and if not, sorry :(
 > >
> > Here is the question then (finally)
> > 600meg is not going to hold Win95 plus Office.  So I
> > want to install Office onto a network drive on the Linux 
> > server.  Will a 10Mbit network be quick enough for the
> > Windows machine to  run Office from the networked
> > drive? Yes I know Office is slow anyway, even
> > slower on a 486, but will a 10Mbit allow Office to
> > actually work? 
> > 
Suprisly 600MB will indeed install MS Office and Windows 95. A bare
mininium install of WIndows 95 OSR 2.0 fully stripped down takes ~130. A
Full OFfice 97 Install takes ~230MB [Office 97 Professional]. Now, if you
want to take off some of the less useful parts like Access/PowerPoint  if
you don't use them, then it goes down. Logically, it should not be that
large. At home, for my parents I have setup a Windows 95/Office
97/Netscape 4.08/Q-Modem Pro Partition and it only takes 500ish. [not
minium install of WIn95 and FAT32].

Otherwise the network install is a good idea

 > If you can
get SAMBA up and running, I don't
see why it > wouldn't work, so long as MS Office doesn't mind doing a
> "Network Install" or at least installing to a Network hard
> drive.

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