How about installing StarOffice? Its got filters for major wordprocessors.

You'll like it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron deRozario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 6:09 PM
Subject: [newbie] Wanted - networking tips (plan A)

>Greetings all
>Over the last couple of days I have been reading plenty of HOW-TO's, and a
>few mini-HOWTO's on networking with Linux.  In fact I've encountered more
>weird acronyms and strange buxx words in the last 2 days than in the rest
>my life put together.  However I am learning a bucketload and realising
>there is A LOT of good docs in the how-to's!
>Don't think is going to stop me from posting lots of trivial and basic
>questions though!
>At the moment I am considering logistical problems - hardware setups and
>like (messing up software is free - messing up hardware costs $$$).
>Here is one of the many plans I am considering (Plan A)
>I currently have a box with a 1gig hda with Windows and a 6.4gig hdb with
>I am thinking of ripping out the 1 gig drive and putting into a 486
>(actually an AMD-133 in a 486 board).  I would like to split this drive
>giving about 600meg to Windows, and the rest to Linux.  The 6.4 will stay
>with its current machine and become the server.
>In Linux mode I want to use this machine basically to learn about
>networking (NFS, telnet, remote X-terminals) etc.
>In Windows mode I want to learn about Samba, and use Windows when I have
>I was thinking of connecting the two machines using 10Mbit cards and a hub
>(a third machine will be added later if these two work out okay).
>Here is the logistical concern I need answered.  Both the gf and I do
>occasionally have to bring work home.  Normally this is in the form of MS
>Word documents, sometimes 40 pages or more.  Now I know there are MS Word
>filters on some Linux wordprocessors however when you are dealing with very
>long documents, that include charts etc, small discrepencies when
>importing/exporting the file leads to some serious headaches.  I will need
>to continue to have MS Office 97 (sorry).  If I go ahead and do something
>that makes it impossible to run Office the gf WILL HAVE MY BOLLOCKS.  She
>will live if it runs slowly - she will kill me if it doesn't run at all.
>Here is the question then (finally) 600meg is not going to hold Win95 plus
>Office.  So I want to install Office onto a network drive on the Linux
>server.  Will a 10Mbit network be quick enough for the Windows machine to
>run Office from the networked drive?
>Yes I know Office is slow anyway, even slower on a 486, but will a 10Mbit
>allow Office to actually work?
>Thanking you in advance

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