Hi Matt!

I have LICQ working on my mandrake 6.0 system, and it works wonderfully!  I
believe I have installed the version before version 7.

I would suggest that, with ICQ clients, you ALWAYS allow yourself to lag behind
one version and always install the next older version than the current one.  The
reason for this, is that the newest version nearly always has multitudes of bugs
in them.  NOTE:  Always download the most current version that says "STABLE" and
everything will be peachy.

Also, for your further information, I am having lots of problems manually
compiling programs, as everything seems to tell me "recursive... quitting"  and
also tells me that the Make files cannot find the .h headers on my system.
Since I am trying to figure that out, I've been opting to install things using
RPM for the time being until I can get these "wires" uncrossed here.

Anything further, lemme know.



"Matt G. Ellis" wrote:

> Okay, i downloaded and unpacked the Source for LICQ .7
> I can compile the program itself fine, my problem is getting the required
> qt-gui to compile.  It said i needed QT2.00 and I only have QT1.44, i
> downloaded the 2.00 rpms from rpmfind.net and installed them but that didn't
> help.
> If anyone has gotten LICQ to work with madrake 6.0 please tell me what steps
> you took!  I wanna get this to work!

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