On 20 Sep, Matt G. Ellis wrote:
> Okay, i downloaded and unpacked the Source for LICQ .7
> I can compile the program itself fine, my problem is getting the required
> qt-gui to compile.  It said i needed QT2.00 and I only have QT1.44, i
> downloaded the 2.00 rpms from rpmfind.net and installed them but that didn't
> help.
> If anyone has gotten LICQ to work with madrake 6.0 please tell me what steps
> you took!  I wanna get this to work!

My experience with the Licq package from Cooker was not good.
Although it was a month ago (maybe a little more), I remember that it
requires qt2, which requires libstcc++-1.95 or some such, which breaks
things if you install it (you have to --force it or --nodeps because it
doesn't want to replace old files).

What I did instead was go to http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/licq.html and
pick the one on the top of the list- the one for i386, not the PPC one. 
You don't get that i586 extra speed, but... it installs right away; it
doesn't require qt2 or some new version of libstdc++, and works fine on
my Venus system.

Also, it's .70f, which is relatively new- much better, I find, than
..61.  One thing, though- when you run it, you have to specify a plug-in:

   [user@host user]$ licq -p qt-gui

You can make an alias (`alias licq='licq -p qt-gui'`) or perhaps
there's a default config file somewhere; I haven't looked.  My point
is, it worked for me where Cooker's RPM didn't.

-Matt Stegman

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