On Friday 10 January 2003 05:47 am, Anne Wilson wrote: > On Friday 10 Jan 2003 12:03 am, Can Baytan wrote: > > Femme say few & join the Others, > > Am EN speaking ppl is more understandable than En EN or Au EN speakers on > > the street at least to me, eg. a scottish sounds likes a chinese to me. > > Hey, the regions have problems understanding each other if the accents are > really, strong. It happens in other countries, too. For instance, I can > easily understand northern French speakers, but find it almost impossible > to understand those from some southern regions. I found the same in > Germany, but the locals said that even the Germans couldn't understand the > Bavarians with ease. > > Anne I lived in central Germany for a few years, and (being from the southern US) I wondered if the locals could tell me an easy way to tell from the southern Germans speech that they were "southern Germans"? They were happy to inform me, that like "US Southerners" it could be noticed in the way they say "good day" (like "hello")... most Germans say "Guten Tag" but (kinda like my neighbors here in N.C.) the southern Germans say "Guten Tag Y'all". That "y'all" is a dead giv-a-way to real "southerness" <grin>
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