Lemme say few & join the OT'ers,
Among En, Tr (Turkish), Ge, and Fr,
EN grammer is easiest, than TR-GE-FR (for the sake of argument: you don't have to know grammer well to speak any language, remember lil' kids learning mother tounge?)
EN vocabulary is biiiiggest to learn. (the only bad point for EN when learning, IMHO)
EN has fewest irregularities almost none, comparing the other three.
EN sentence structure is easiest to speak, eg. changing musicality and/or tone make a normal sentence a well understandable question sentence.
EN speaking has lotsa shotcuts like gonna gotta, oughta, woulda.
Am EN speaking ppl is more understandable than En EN or Au EN speakers on the street at least to me, eg. a scottish sounds likes a chinese to me. (We have BBC and CNN chn's also others here in Turkey)
In US and AU people don't need to learn other languages much, comparing other countries due to almost isolated borders except Mexico.
EN is most widely&effectively speaking language of the world, Chinese is another case.
My conclusion: If you learn enough EN vocabulary and learn how to pronounce them understandably, you are on your way in EN, rest is depends on how much time you spent for.
Can Baytan
Chuck Burns wrote:
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 08:03, Vahur Lokk wrote:
Thats easy to explain - compared to other languages english has no grammar
whatsoever, thus being easy to learn for foreigners (who have already grammar
experience with their mother tongue) :)
Actually.. English is one of the HARDEST languages to learn, since we
have so many words that have 4 or 5 different meanings, different ways
of saying the same thing, etc. The fact of the matter is, many people
in non-english countries are required to learn english in school, from
an early age.
Now, on the other hand, many people in the USA ALSO take a few years of
a foreign language, but not until they are 16-20ish, and the older you
get, the harder it is to learn a new language. Now.. even so, the fact
that we don't USE foreign languages very often here is, in itself,
contributory to us not speaking many languages. Go down to Texas, close
to the Mexican border, you will find MANY spanish-speaking US citizens.
Multi-language is born of necessity.
Dos anos de espanol.. and all I know is just about how to say what I
just did.. if it's even right.
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