On Thursday 16 January 2003 07:36 am, et wrote:
> Dean, I think you might also give some consideration to the (dozens) of
> other distros out there too,,, and since you quoted my post, I wonder where
> I said anything in this post about "linux" and/or GNU/linux, and since you
> bring that up, I have been damn sure for some time the "download" isos from
> Mandrake are 100% GPL. perhaps if you are aware of some parts that are not
> GPL/GNU you could post the info... I sure don't want to be giving away
> something that ain't mine to give, and I regularly give the downloadable
> CDs to friends that might want to learn something.
> Currently you are giving no credit to................
> On Thursday 16 January 2003 10:17 am, yankee doodle wrote:
> > If Mandrake goes bust its likely, someone will GPL what is
> > closed by Mandrake currently (a few bits and pieces), no doubt
> > everyone would switch to SuSE and Redhat, and possibly Debian.
> >
> > When you refer to Linux could you please say GNU/Linux, so people
> > know you are talking about the system and not just the Kernel,
> > after all "linux " is just the kernel...
> >
> > Currently you are giving no credit to these hardworking people.
> >
> > ---
> > Cheers, Dean.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: et <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >Subject: [newbie] non-profit??
> > >Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 09:55:16 -0500
> > >
> > >As I understand it, in some states at least, just "not making a profit"
> > > is not
> > >enough to quailfiy as a "non-profit". this is generally to prevent
> > >companies
> > >from being able to claim "non-profit" and still be competing with
> > > companies that are required to make a profit ( some might even claim
> > > "unfairly"). Not only that, most states tax companies profits, and
> > > therefore have an interest in seeing that either a company profit (and
> > > thusly pay taxes) or disappears.
> > >so unless there would be some "redeming quality for the greater
> > > community" a
> > >"non-profit" producing a computer Operating System for sale at retail
> > >outlets, might not be a "real" choice.
> > >I would also ask if someone on newbie with a 24/7 connection and a mail
> > >server
> > >might be willing to start a "backup newbie mail listserver", on the off
> > >chance that oneday we wake up and find this one gone to the way of the
> > >courts. Does anyone know who pays for thisones bandwidth/location and
> > >power?
> > >Since I ass-u-me it is MandrakeSoft Inc., it is possible that one day a
> > >judge
> > >says, turn it off,,,, and their may not be much or any notice. (any more
> > >than
> > >we have already had). I would hate to loose all the good folks I have
> > > had the
> > >pleasure to communicate with here.
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*
> > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus


A not-for-profit corporation may or may not be tax exempt.  The Boy Scouts for 
example, are NOT tax-exempt.  Contributions to the Boy Scouts are not 
deductible from your taxable income.  The essence of non-profit is that 
proceeds are NOT distributable to members, officers, directors of the 
corporation.  If you want exemption for taxes then charitable, educational, 
or scientific purposes and qualification under various countries's revenue 
codes will be necessary.  A non-profit may have employees and even pay them 
well, and it may well make a profit and invest that into related or unrelated 
purposes, but it may not distribute such to members, officers or directors.  
In some cases taxes may be due in addition to the usual burdens of an 
employer.  A non-profit doesn't issue stock or have investors, normally.

Mandrakesoft is GPL with everything it does except on the commercial software 
disks and the club downloads.  But as with any GNU/Linux distro, if you make 
copies for distribution, you had best include the license agreement and make 
the source code accessible (you do not have to include the source with the 
distro, just point to a publicly accessible copy).  The mandrakesoft 
documentation is covered by a separate license which it is advisable to read.

If you folk have checked other distros lately, I think you will find that few 
if any are as mature as this one in as many areas.  I might think of making 
my own distro using Mandrake as a base if this one goes bust, but switching 
to any of the others?  Forget it.  I am here cause this one was friendly at a 
personal, technical, and corporate level, and the others were decidedly 
unfriendly at one or more of those levels.  If you have ever asked a question 
on a RH flame errr... help list, you know very well what I mean.  S.u.S.E. is 
so far from GPL that I would never consider them, though they seem evil 
enough to be propped up by IBM and Intel to the tune of more than $45 million 
(Mandrake needs less than a tenth of that).  

And, yes, if I did something to continue the effort the Mandrake folks 
started, I would find some help and create a non-profit scientific, 
educational, and charitable purposes tax exempt corporation and seek private 
foundation funding for the preservation of essential freedoms.  But let's be 
a little more optimistic for now.  MandrakeClub has 20,000 members and people 
are investing to preserve the effort.  Just continue what is done.


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