Please only start one thread on a subject.   Did you see what Steve Philip
wrote?  He said turn off Sendmail for a starter.   Please listen and don't
If you don't know how to shut off sendmail, from command line type "setup"
and choose "system services" from the menu.   Then uncheck the sendmail
daemon in the list of service launched at startup.   You may need to
restart or kill the sendmail daemon next.
I believe you can "psaux" from command line to show all processes running
and look for the ID number of the sendmail daemon.   Then issue the
"kill -<sendmail ID#>" and I think this will do it.
P.S.  I'm new too, but I read a lot before I started surfing as root and
allowed someone to "get root"
Good Luck

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric L. Damron <

>I have found that people unknown are attacking my linux box!  The
>entries were found in maillog:
><snip horrible whining sound>

>Please!  If anyone knows what this jerk is trying to do and How I can stop
>him PLEASE let me know!

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