
Although my last post concerns the same problem it also contains new
information.  I want to know what this guy did on my server.  Turning off
sendmail forever isn't an option.  And I have never "serfed as root."  So
please, If you have nothing positive to add then don't respond.

Thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: Ripcrd6 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PLEASE! What do these log entries mean?!?

>Please only start one thread on a subject.   Did you see what Steve Philip
>wrote?  He said turn off Sendmail for a starter.   Please listen and don't
>If you don't know how to shut off sendmail, from command line type "setup"
>and choose "system services" from the menu.   Then uncheck the sendmail
>daemon in the list of service launched at startup.   You may need to
>restart or kill the sendmail daemon next.
>I believe you can "psaux" from command line to show all processes running
>and look for the ID number of the sendmail daemon.   Then issue the
>"kill -<sendmail ID#>" and I think this will do it.
>P.S.  I'm new too, but I read a lot before I started surfing as root and
>allowed someone to "get root"
>Good Luck
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eric L. Damron <
>>I have found that people unknown are attacking my linux box!  The
>>entries were found in maillog:
>><snip horrible whining sound>
>>Please!  If anyone knows what this jerk is trying to do and How I can stop
>>him PLEASE let me know!

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