On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Ripcrd6 wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David P. Greenberg <
> <snip>
> >--I contribute to some of the humorous threads, and may even be
> responsible for
> >a few, but I try to read all the posts, and see many questions being
> answered
> >and even some dialogs being developed. We're all trying to help each
> other, but
> >sometimes a little levity helps ease the mood. Y'know, "All work and no
> >play..." I agree with Jeanette in that maybe we should agree on a subject
> name
> >that will indicate to those who don't like the banter to delete it.
> >
> >David P. Greenberg
> >Bitco Electronics
> How about [OT] or [off topic] preceding a subject line.   Also need to have
> a subject line, not leave it blank.
> Brian

--Works for me.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

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