TheThingThatShouldNotBe Aboleth wrote:
> Hi all,
>  Currently my monitor is set to a very high resolution
> which works well, but it's only 17" and everything
> looks kinda small.
>  Apparently the default Virtual Screen Size is maxed
> out so that when I set the screen size down to
> something that looks good like 800X600 or 1264X768 (or
> whatever it is) I still have this huge virtual screen.
>  When I add the Virtual line in XF86Config to tone
> down the realestate, the KDE menu bars go away!
>  Is there some config setting for KDE that I need to
> change also?

If you know that you're not going to go back to using the larger
resolutions, remove them from the same area where you worked with the
Virtual stuff.  By removing the larger resolutions, you'll solve the
problem of the menubars being non-visible (and solve the Virtual problem
at the same time)!

Here's the explanation:  XFree sees the larger resolutions mentioned in
that section and figures you want that much screen real estate.  When
you switch resolutions, it figures you still want that real estate, you
just want a "window" into it.  By telling it that you only want the
smaller resolution, it will get rid of the "window" behavior.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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