Thanks Steve!
 I'll try that when I get home tonight!

 I wonder if there is a way to mnake the Virtual
screen to ALWAYS the same size as the current screen

 Thanks again.

--- Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you know that you're not going to go back to
> using the larger
> resolutions, remove them from the same area where
> you worked with the
> Virtual stuff.  By removing the larger resolutions,
> you'll solve the
> problem of the menubars being non-visible (and solve
> the Virtual problem
> at the same time)!
> Here's the explanation:  XFree sees the larger
> resolutions mentioned in
> that section and figures you want that much screen
> real estate.  When
> you switch resolutions, it figures you still want
> that real estate, you
> just want a "window" into it.  By telling it that
> you only want the
> smaller resolution, it will get rid of the "window"
> behavior.
> -- 
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation

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