On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Ralph | byte-runner | wrote:
> > Someone had written in the other day about scsi-emul for ide-cdr.
> > That one of the kernels in 6.1 was already sewt up for it. Which one is it and
> > how do i get it to work?
> *ALL* kernels in 6.1 support SCSI-Emulation.
> Add to your lilo.conf:
>       append="hdd=ide-scsi"
> (assuming your cdr is /dev/hdd)
> Then modprobe ide-scsi

Check out this page at: http://www.whitem.demon.co.uk/idescsi_idx.htm
Martin has set up very thorough instructions that will have you burning CDs in
no time.. I got to this page by way of the excellent mandrakeuser.org site and
its web master, Tom.

Darin -
Cthulhu for President in 2000 - Why settle for the lesser evil????

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