On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I've been getting these errors for a long time now.
> errors.  It flashes the message on boot when it tries to load up the
> Ethernet card.
> Error message:
>       stack segment: 0000 
> Then, it outputs a bunch of stack stuff in hex, saying that there has
> been a segmentation fault.  The next readable sentence is:

Thats possably an oops which you see. like the one i deleted from the
bottom of this message.

Now i'm not such a good linux debugger but what you can do to trace
the problem down is read;

/usr/src/linux/Documantation.oops-tracing.txt and then try to do what
is written in it.

>       Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference at virtual address > 00000003
> current-> tss.cr3 = 03ee2000 %cr3 = 03ee2000
> And then it kicks out and brings me to the Login Prompt.  At this point,
> I cannot log in; if I try logging in as root, it gives me the error
> "kmalloc: size (303120) too large"  (the number varies).

You seem to have a memory problem.

>       Right now, I have two Ethernet cards plugged into my machine and I have
> modified my /etc/modules.conf file to reflect that:
> alias eth0 tulip
> alias eth1 tulip
> The two cards are identical SMC EtherPower 10Mbps cards; they us a
> digital 21041-PB chipset.  The model is SMC8432BT.  They are both PCI
> cards.
> I've also tried removing one of the cards, but the segmentation fault
> still crops up, giving me slightly different numbers (too many to type
> out, I get about two pages worth of stack information).  Here are some
> of the error messages I get:

What happens if both cards are removed.?

O, on another thought, there was a problem with one tulip driver,  but
i did not see any mention of it causing an oops. Maybe a good idea to
do a web search for words like tulip and do some reading, it could be
you have that very problem.

> ---------
> Unable to handle NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000003

{ snipped } all the oops, its no good to anyone realy, it has to be
debugged on your system against your System.map
Altho, a real expert could see some information from some of the
addresses, but sending an oops like this to this list is of no use at

> Code: 8b 43 3d fe00 00 00 77 3a c1 e0 04 b9 00 e0 ff ff 03 43
> kmalloc: Size (864272) too large 

The above means to much memory is being grabbed, another reason to
check out that tulip idea of mine.
> -------------
> Since the hard drive check comes up all right, I'm going to presume that
> it's NOT the hard drive (I was getting suspicious, since I dropped it a
> week ago, but I ran a bunch of surface scans on it and it seemed all
> right).  I think I will consider pulling the P-100 out of the closet to
> try it on that to see if it is in fact a BIOS error, unless, of course,
> one of you who are more knowledgeable than I am can help me out.

I douubt very much if this has the slightest to do with your disk.

> I run:
> 233-K6 AMD;

I trust not an overclocked CPU that _could_ indirectly cause you
problems espesaly memory problems.

> ATI Graphics Xpression (Mach64 chipset) 2 meg;
> 2 SMC 8432BT Etherpower cards; I use the Tulip driver;
> 3.5 gig Fujitsu hard drive
>       Please reply to my request.  Before, I had this problem but no one
> replied to it to help me out.

Never saw another request for help from you, i possably missed it.

> -- 
> /-|rcana
> ----- ----- * ----- -----
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Regards Richard

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