> You seem to have a memory problem.

        Yes.  I played around with some of the BIOS settings now,
and it seems to be working fine.  It was the 15M/16M setting that
allows for backwards compatibility with some ISA cards (which doesn't
concern me, I have no required ISA peripherals in my computer!)
> What happens if both cards are removed.?

        The system works ^_^
        I think it's a memory thing, because when I changed the BIOS
settings (and reinstalled both cards with the exact same settings
then the system booted properly and viola, everything workd out fine.
> O, on another thought, there was a problem with one tulip driver,  but
> i did not see any mention of it causing an oops. Maybe a good idea to
> do a web search for words like tulip and do some reading, it could be
> you have that very problem.

        I think I'll consider upgrading.  Unfortunately, I don't
exactly know how.  I'll have to hit that "Kernel-HOWTO" for compiling
help :)  I could use the knowledge.  It's the road to becoming a Linux
User, up from that Linux Newbie status I have now ^_^
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