On Tuesday 04 Feb 2003 1:09 am, Mark Weaver wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> At this point I think I'd pick either Netscape or Mozilla, and uninstall
> the other. When thats done setup the program and user profile. Then
> after that being done get the plugins installed and everything running.
I'm pretty sure that's what I'll do in the end.  I'm a bit concerned that 
uninstalling Netscape might take out something that Moz needs, but I'll just 
copy my .mozilla folder to a different partition and hope.

> At this point it should be ok to install the other browser if you really
> need to. 

I probably won't bother.  I only tried Netscape because I was having so many 
problems with plugins, and I hoped it would behave better.  It's caused more 
problems than it saved.  It seems that, of Moz, Galeon and N7 I can have one 
behaving fairly well and the others not :(  But still I can't get any of them 
behaving perfectly.  Yesterday, for instance, I went to www.theaa.com and 
asked for a route.  I got the instructions ok, but no map.  Saving the page 
saved the map - I could print it separately - but I could not display it, 
either live or from the displayed page (all the other junk was there).

> Speakin of Winders...I blew up my XP installation
> last night. I prolly oughta git to work on it. I still have tax returns
> to prepare. GOD! I love Mandrake. takes a lickin and keeps on tickin!!

I think it was the breaking irretrievably of W2K that made me decide to stick 
with Mandrake.  I broke my Win98 when I installed 9.0 in November, and have 
been meaning to do something about it :)  I do have to use win4lin for a 
couple of things, but not that much.  Still, when I do need it it's lovely to 
be able to just move about from KMail to PagePlus without delay or problems.

Thanks for your efforts.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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