"Richard Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> New to this list and Linux...but got my box up and running yesterday I 
> really love what I see so far but am having trouble configuring PPP 
> connection. I am able to connect to my ISP but when I launch Netscape I 
> get...Error <2> check server name and then a message regarding SOCKS 
> someting...what am I doing wrong.
You can try editing /etc/resolv.conf
add the following:

search <your isp>
nameserver <dns # provided by isp>
nameserver <dns # provided by isp> [they usually provide at least two...]

save your changes and retry.  Should do it  ;o)

Michael Scottaline
COL 2.2   Linux 2.2.5
* * * * * * * * * * * 
It's a fresh wind that Blows Against the Empire

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