At 12:42 PM 2/5/2003 +0200, you wrote:
<snipped Jan's post>
Jan makes a good point - it depends on what you want to do. If by "edit files" you just mean opening a file and making a few changes here and there, then pico (or nano) exists on just about any Unix-type server, and is really easy to use. If you've used pine, then pico is a piece of cake. The "vi vs. emacs" stuff only comes into play when you want to do more than type in a few lines of text here and there.

On my own machine, I find kwrite the easiest, but then I'm not a serious coder - I just do bash and perl scripts. Remember that in kwrite you can save to remote locations, so you can use it to edit files on other machines.

Sir Robin
*blinks* Point taken Jan & Robin. Hm... This sorta leads to what I'm after I suppose. I want to learn a more "universal" text editor so no matter which machine I'm on in the future (be it a friends with linux on it who's fubared X, or my own) I can edit files & cfgs quickly & painlessly.

Nano & Pine... haven't tried either. I'll look into them. Keep the info/opinions coming please! :)

I still am considering all my options. I tried Cooledit once but found its toolbar/features very confusing & quite complex! Still I'll try it again someday soon I'm sure. Can't go thru life saying a stupid editor beat me down can I?


Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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