On Mon 2003-02-10 at 17:31:26 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ok, but how do you turn on number lines insise Emacs. If I've coding in 
> Java and the compiler tells me I've got an OutOfBoundsException on line 
> 4893 I don't want to have to count 1,2,3... from the top if the page, ya 
> know?  ;)

"M-x goto-line 4893" will jump to the line in question[1]

"M-x line-number-mode" will toggle display of the line number in the
status bar.

If you put 

  (setq line-number-mode t)

into your .emacs file, it will be enabled on startup. You can set
"(setq column-number-mode t)" to get column numbering, too.

  (global-set-key "\C-cg" 'goto-line)

will allow you to press "Control-c" "g" instead of typing "M-x

I don't claim that this is the most effective way to do this, but it
works fine for me.

Ah, and by the way, there is a nice reference sheet coming with emacs
(in /usr/share/emacs/<version>/etc/refcard.tex). It's written in TeX
and you would have to call "tex refcard.tex" and "dvips refcard.dvi",
but there are already made PDF's out there, e.g.




[1] That is, "meta-key with x" "goto-line" <RETURN> "4893" <RETURN>
    where "meta-key with x" is either "press ESC, press x" or "hold
    left-ALT and press x" whichever you prefer.

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