>From: Bob Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] 4 days without install.
>Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 7:12 PM

> Aaron Sinclair wrote:
>> My fourth day of attempting 6.0 installation leaves me speachless.  No i am
>> not an imbecile, yes I have half a brain.. Most of my time has been spent
>> browsing HOWTO's FAQ's Man and LINUX Books, Unix Books, you name it and I
>> have looked.
> Eerrrmmmm - have you tried just disconnecting the mouse
> and going ahead with the install. Maybe we can beat the
> mouse thingy to death once you get Mandrake installed.
> Bob J.
> PS - If you want Linux you're going to have to be
> ready to go under the hood and get your hands greasy
> at some point. Windows it ain't, and most of us
> consider that a _good_ thing. I've been fighting my
> video setup for a mounth. I'll quit fighting it when
> it works.

Yeah, tis a laptop with a  built in mouse, is a little hard to disconnect
the mouse.  but I am wondering if there is more that can be achived by using
the expert install..   The onscreen info says that the probes can be averted
by using the expert install.... Would you know of more information on the
commands that i can pass, " expert noprobe " was suggested on boot. That got
me excited for a bit, but unfortunatly it didn't work. had the error

checking command line arguments
 expert mode enabled, unknown option 'noprobe'!

I think that this might be the path to follow, If  anyone has any idea of
where i could find more information i would be indebted to you....

Thankyou all..

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