Hmmm, I just looked at /etc/sysconfig/sendmail and it has the entry

However, when I execute /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail status it says:

sendmail doesn't daemonize with postfix

Do I just need to disable postfix?  (I hope I can figure out how to do
that!)  What do I gain/lose by this?

Thanks again

> I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way
> will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box
as the
> relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may
> to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would
> able to tell if you give some more info.
> Regards,
>    Gavin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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