I extracted StarOffice 5.1 RPM (as root, which has writing privileges
everywhere) to the /opt,  default directory in that specific *. RPM.  Logged
out from root and as _user_ I did a network (2MB) install
(opt/SOffice51/setup or /opt/SOffice51/kde/install or something like that)
in /home/user.  Only in this net install I was asked for the media key for
future registration.  BTW, I am not in a network, just a regular desktop.

This way I avoided 196 MB of StarOffice in my /home partition -- SO files
are in /opt -- and a useless StarOffice "root" user.


----- Original Message -----
From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] StatrOffice 5.1

> Did you install SO51 as 'root'? If so you didn't need to. When I did my
> install, I was logged on as a regular user, did the download (long time)
> to my personal folder, put the .tar file into a folder I created under
> my personal folder, then did the extract. Next I did the install, and
> that was that. I havn't set up anything for it as root, because I can
> not think of any reason why I should need to.
> I am set up with Linux-Mandrake 6.0, on a stand alone DeskTop system. I
> am the only one using the system, so I only have one user, and a root
> account set up on my system. If you are set up as a network, or as a
> multi-user system, someone else will have to help, 'cause I don't know
> anything about those configurations.
> If I understand the situation, software is installed on a per user basis
> in Linux. This means that only the owner of a particular program can use
> it. If StarOffice was installed as root, it belongs to root, and only
> root can use it by default. There may be a way to allow other users to
> use the software, but I do not know how to do it. Also, if I understood
> the licence for StarOffice, it is a one user licence, and may require a
> sepatate registration/instalation for each user using the package. If
> your setup is similar to mine, I would suggest that you remove
> StarOffice as root, then re-install it as a regular user as I discribed
> above.
> Ernie
> Belzebub wrote:
> >
> > I downloaded and installed Star Offie 5.1 on my Mandrake 6.0
> > distribuition. I made an updated CD just before 6.1 came out, so I have
> > a custom CD with all the last updates before 6.1. My kernel is 2.2.13.
> > After the installation finished, I am able to run the application as
> > root or superuser, but as a regular user. Any suggestions?

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