John Aldrich wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> >     /dev/hdc    /mnt/cdrw    iso9660
> > ro,user,noauto,nosuid,noexec,nodev    0    0
> >
> "ro" for a CDRW???? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose
> of a CDRW? :-)

No.  I don't know that Linux supports the kind of drag-n-drop rewriting
that Windows supports, allowing you to use the CDRW as a slow hard
drive.  The only time you'll typically mount the CDRW is with a CD to
read, thus the read-only.

You don't mount the CDRW if you're burning to it, it's just a block

Steve Philp                     "The Internet is like crack 
Network Administrator            for smart people..."
Advance Packaging Corporation       --Arsenio Hall

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