Thomas & Peter wrote:
> Ok I give . I am tryiong to find my CDw and IM Zip. I can see on boot up
> that they are being loaded.  I even find them listed under block
> devices. But I cannot find the command string to access them. I want to
> set up a link to mount them on my desk top as I have for my 3.5 and
> CDrom.
> I have plenty of documentation on making the links for the floppy and Cd
> but nothing on how to locate the extras. My regular CD is as slave to my
> HD on my Primary IDE ATAPI  slot of my Mother Board. My CDWR and Zip are
> master and slave in said order on my Secondary IDE ATAPI slot.

Here's what you need:

        mkdir /mnt/zip
        mkdir /mnt/cdrw

        vi /etc/fstab

then add:

    /dev/hdc    /mnt/cdrw    iso9660   
ro,user,noauto,nosuid,noexec,nodev    0    0     
    /dev/hdd    /mnt/zip     auto      
rw,user,noauto,nosuid,noexec,nodev    0    0
(if those lines happen to wrap in the mail, it should be two full lines)

You should now be able to:

        mount /mnt/cdrw


        mount /mnt/zip

to read (and write, in the case of the zip drive) from them.  To write
to the CD burner, you'll need to investigate cdrecord or one of the GUI
tools that interface with it.  

Steve Philp                     "The Internet is like crack 
Network Administrator            for smart people..."
Advance Packaging Corporation       --Arsenio Hall

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