Good grief - I actually manged to help for the first time - well I'll be
damned! ;-)

Erm.... wanna share the url for that paper at the gazzette please? - mine is
not quite right yet - sod's law ;-)

I'm nearly there myself!


Or when that server is down go direct to

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas & Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] CDWR and Zip

> Than You Ian.
> I found the paper I was looking for at "Linux Gazzet '  that gave me
> what I needed. Every thing I had found was for Par Port and mine is Atapi.
> it up and running on all four drives
> Thanks again
> bay56 wrote:
> > I really hope you get a good answer to this from someone who knows for
> > ure  - I have the same setup with an LS120 substituted for the Zip
(which I
> > gave to a friend!)
> >
> > but to get you started in A direction;
> > I am guessing they will be something like:
> >
> > hda<---Primary         Master        HD
> >
> > hdb<---Primary         Slave          CD
> >
> > hdc<---Secondary    Master        CD [burner]
> > (not sure what to do about that yet, but looks like some kind of scsi
> > pretence is going to be called for)
> > (why the blazes don't people accept that burners actually come in two
> > flavours of electronics?)
> > (this seems more ostritch than penguin at this point, but I doubt if the
> > linux community started it!)
> >
> > hdd<---Secondary    Slave          HD (treat it like a cd rom since it's
> > removeable media?)
> >
> > You'll need a directory for each in mnt I think (certainly about to try
> > idea myself)
> >
> > Also an entry of some sort in fstab reflecting the above arrangements
> > trial and error that bit till it stops objecting)
> >
> > Of course if someone actually knows what to do - then please don't just
> > there watching me make a total bags of it! ;-)
> >
> > Hope it's of some value <shrug>
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ian
> >
> >
> > Or when that server is down go direct to
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Thomas & Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 4:42 AM
> > Subject: [newbie] CDWR and Zip
> >
> > > Ok I give . I am tryiong to find my CDw and IM Zip. I can see on boot
> > > that they are being loaded.  I even find them listed under block
> > > devices. But I cannot find the command string to access them. I want
> > > set up a link to mount them on my desk top as I have for my 3.5 and
> > > CDrom.
> > >
> > > I have plenty of documentation on making the links for the floppy and
> > > but nothing on how to locate the extras. My regular CD is as slave to
> > > HD on my Primary IDE ATAPI  slot of my Mother Board. My CDWR and Zip
> > > master and slave in said order on my Secondary IDE ATAPI slot.
> > >
> > > Please give  me some feed back on how to locate them.
> > > Thanks Thomas
> > >
> > >

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