On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 01:42, Lanman wrote:

> What about the rest of you? Any success stories? Sound off and let the
> world know that Mandrake works for you! 

Success stories? Hmmm...
Well, as most of y'all know, I USED to run RedHat on my primary box
(this one) until a horrible debacle about a month ago - where my RH 7.3
hosed up after a reinstall of XP blew my partition table away - sadly
loosing thousands of emails and the likes (and my damn bookmarks -
shit); in attempting to regain some upward mobility, I TRIED the RedHat
8.0 against my better judgement only to find that after about 36 bloody
hours of getting the damn distro working SEMI properly I couldn't get
any type of connectivity aside from LAN - and WAS NOT HAPPY with the
damn BloodCurve, er, BlueCurve setup and the "mishmash" way that the
entire menu structures were setup; so, in complete desperation to regain
control of my sanity and machine, I installed Mandrake 9.1rc2 - crikey -
what a difference from MDK 9.0 it was right off the bat.

No hardware went unnoticed. Nothing. 45 minutes of the installation,
about 15 minutes of tweaking, rebooting, tweaking, rebooting - and
finally, a beautiful "startx" into KDE 3.1 - unreal. Just bloody unreal.
Even without the "unified NVidia driver" it was bloody awesome. I really
couldn't believe it. Modem installation was only like three minutes.
Really. KPPP was another two minutes. Wham bam thank you ma'am. Slam
dunk bigtime.

After getting online and starting to get my mail and the likes, it
wasn't long til I was loading up my system with every available package
on the three CD's (copied them to the /usr/src/ directory and modified
the RPMDrake path so I don't have to slap CD's around); added some other
urpmi paths for cooker stuff - unreal.

Out performs my last stable RH 7.3 desktop by leaps and bounds. No hours
of mucking around with BS that I wanted and needed (only missing one
application - knetmon-applet - but hell, I'll live without that since
the writer - who is French - doesn't want to create an RPM for Mandrake)
and now I'm back to being not just productive (if you can call it that)
but I've more time now than I did before to either explore, play, test
or just muck around.

I can't say enough about how much a difference there is here. RedHat
just got moved to the trash bin in my books - at least for desktop stuff
- and soon I'm going to be finding out how well it handles high-end
stuff as a server...since I've always built RH servers, I'm going to
shoot for the next one as an MDK server for email, firewalling, file
sharing and intranet - so this should be relatively interesting...

So that's MY happy story...I'm now a Mandrakian instead of a
RedHatter...and that's after 10 years...

Mon Mar 31 05:50:00 EST 2003
 05:50:00 up 9 days, 17:37,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.09
|            __    __          | kuhn media australia            |
|           / ,, /| |'-.       | http://kma.0catch.com           |
|          .\__/ || |   |      |=================================|
|       _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'      | stephen kuhn                    |
|      | /  \__.`=._) (_       |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|      |/ ._/  |"""""""""|     |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
|      |'.  `\ |         |     |    icq: 5483808                 |
|      ;"""/ / |         |     |                                 |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.-------.|     | mobile: 0410-728-389            |
|      '  `-`' "         "     | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

The perfect man is the true partner.  Not a bed partner nor a fun partner,
but a man who will shoulder burdens equally with [you] and possess that
quality of joy.
                -- Erica Jong

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