On Friday 04 April 2003 08:54 am, J. Kelley Jernigan wrote:
> It isn't about money for me. So for my foray in Linux has cost me more than
> WinXP would have.
> I've gone to Linux because I don't like the new M$  licensing scheme or the
> direction M$ is going.
> I also tend to monkey with the hardware on my PC so it wouldn't be long
> before XP and I would have had a serious argument. As far as I'm concurened
> it's none of Bill Gates business what hardware and software I run on my
> machine, especially since I never use pirated software.

I second that!  I have lost more time trying to get Linux to work on my 
laptop, time I could have devoted to clients doing work and getting paid for 
it!  I could have fired up Dreamweaver and produced the sites I needed to get 
done or use MS Office to work on a few proposals, BUT I have discovered later 
on that while Dreamweaver appears to speed up development initially that is 
quickly lost when a client wants something changed or something outside of 
the scope of what Dreamweaver can do.

I run an ISP and my main work consits of:  maintaining servers, keeping email 
flowing, responding to my customers, building web applications and working on 
improving services.  Often I will have several programs going at once, 
connected to 10 different servers - with XP I would blue screen at least once 
or twice a day.....mind you that was an improvement, but when a clients web 
site is down time matters.

Truthfully I still have XP on this Laptop, I boot into it when I want to burn 
a music CD or want to use my Intel web cam - I can't get either to work well 
in Linux yet.  On the other side of the coin I run KDE at 1600x1200 res and 
under XP that just hurt my eyes.

So, in answer to your question - I want to do what *I* want to do on *MY* 
machine and do it the way *I* want to do it.  Linux allows me to tweak the 
heck out of my machine, KDE is nice to look at and Quanta Plus has to be one 
of the best PHP editors out there.


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